Kourd Gallery

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Place Category: Art collectibles, Art de la table, Asian and Islamic art, Carpets and textiles, Clocks and scientific equipment, Collectible guns, Decorative art, Decorative items, Engravings and books, Ethnographic art, Furniture and mirrors, Jewelry, Paintings and etchings, Repairs and restorations, and Sculpture and bronze statues

  • “Contemporary is based on the depth of the centuries”. Following Le Corbusier’s quote, Haik Kourdoglanian, ‘Kourd Gallery’ est. 1940 art gallery owner and ‘Fetzian’ est. 1930 antiquity store successor, is aiming at both the marketing of avant-garde talented artists through exhibitions as well as their representation in Greece and abroad, but also the trade of antiques and antiquities with exceptional quality as the sole criterion.

    The current art collection of the gallery has a wide diversity with respect to culture and eras. Indeed, Kourd Gallery is specialized in paintings by Greek and European artists from the 19th to 21st century, in old masters, icons – byzantine art along with ancient Greek and Roman art works, 20th century Greek jewelry, and fine European furniture.